Today’s global economy requires leaders who excel as collaborators and innovators. Hayward University’s Master of Theology (MTh) offers students comprehensive knowledge, theories and models used in the corporate world, and provides students the opportunity to further develop business training techniques and strategies. With a focus on preparing its graduates to operate in today’s dynamic organizational contexts, the MTh program moves students from application to practice, providing a deep knowledge of business functions, processes and products and acomprehensive understanding of today’s technology-driven environment.
Coursework emphasizes eight strategic managerial competencies - creating and maintaining domestic and international competitiveness; presenting and persuading for decision making; financing; hiring, motivating and managing; ethics and behavior; innovation; and managing processes. Grounded in the cross-cutting dimensions of globality, diversity and cross-cultural awareness; training in tools, techniques and strategies; and application to practice, it prepares graduates to operate in today’s dynamic organizational contexts.
Admitting students from all parts of the globe, socioeconomic strata, and cultural and social backgrounds, creating a student body that mirrors today’s diverse society, MTh students study with highly-motivated students from around the world, sharing a desire for a quality education grounded in diverse perspectives, focused on cutting-edge theory and practical application.
A total of 36 credit hours are required to complete the Hayward University MTh degree. Students must complete a minimum of 8 courses. Each course is 9 weeks in length, and students earn 4 credits per course.
The MTh program is designed to:Provide an understanding of the key sociological, psychological and organizational concepts and theories necessary for effective leadership and managementCover the knowledge and skills needed to plan, structure, manage, and monitor organizationsIntroduce methods for improving productivity, responsiveness, quality and customer/client satisfactionProvide in-depth knowledge of operational areas and their functions, processes and interrelationships
Develop cross-cultural awareness and an understanding of the globality of today’s economy
Foster an ability to act creatively and be a driver for changeInstill an appreciation for the importance of legal and ethical behavior on the part of the organization and its membersNurture student potential and promotes increased self-awareness and growthSupport the development of networks among peers from around the globe Successful graduates of the program will learn to:
• Business model innovation analysis
• Developing new business ideas
• Think and design systemically
• Manage the decision process
• Prepare economic analyses
• Position organizations for a competitive advantage
• Formulate strategic and tactical direction
• Understand the effective uses of technology
• Support and encourage a culture of innovation
• Manage conflict and foster collaboration
• Apply techniques for delegation and empowerment
• Understand influence of culture and globalization on organizations
• Work in groups and display enhanced interpersonal skills
• Effectively communicate within an organization
• Function in an ethical manner
• Take ownership of own personal and professional growth
The Hayward University MTh is entirely online and is structured around three curricular components: Core Courses, Electives, and a final exam.The three components are described below.Students need to complete in total of 8 courses to get the MTh degree, 6 from mandatory section and 2 from elective section.
Student orientation program, OREN 0001
The Core consists of eight courses covering the theory, principles, concepts, and tools of the academic disciplines that undergird the field of management. Taught from a global perspective, they build the competencies that students need whether they are involved in the private, public or nonprofit sector.
1. BUTC5110 - Old Testament Theology
2. BUTC5111 - New Testament Theology
3. BUTC5112 - Biblical Hermeneutics
4. BUTC5113 - Pastoral Counseling
5. BBUTC5114 - Research Methods in Theology
6. BUTC5115 - Thesis or Research Project
1. BUTE5110 – Systematic Theology
2. BUTE5111 - Philosophical Theology
3. BUTE5112 - Church Leadership
4. BUTE5113 - Christian Ethics
5. BUTE5114 - Philosophy of Religion
6. BUTE5115 - Faith and Reason
7. BUTE5116 - Comparative Religion