Free Tuition

Hayward University provides a breakdown of the estimated fees for a degree program, with some important considerations. The university provides an estimate of the total fees for a degree program taken entirely at Hayward University. It's mentioned that these fees may be subject to adjustments if a student has transfer credits recorded on their transcript.

Program Free Tuition Application Fee Assessment Fee (per course) Number of Courses Transcripts processing fee Total Estimated Fees
Master of Theology (MTh) Degree $16000Savings $50 $50 8 $50 $500

The university reserves the right to charge optional or special fees in the future, with reasonable notice to students. However, it's clarified that, at present, there are no optional or special fees for graduate-level students. The provided estimate does not include fees for repeating courses, which would be incurred by students required to retake certain classes. Additionally, any fees associated with third-party evaluation are not covered in the estimated total. It's explicitly mentioned that Hayward University does not charge for attendance, and there are no charges incurred for a period of attendance. The university reserves the right to change the cost of the Application Fee, transfer credit Evaluation Fee, and Assessment Fee. The Assessment Fee is subject to an annual review, and any changes will be effective as of September 1. Students will be notified of changes to Assessment Fees no later than June 1st.